The Camping Minecraft Mod

To make your minecraft playing more interesting, the camping mod is one of the interesting mod. This mod add new item for camping!!!. You can camp everywhere you want but not in water and lava. At this mod you can make camping stuff to like fire, sign, clothes, rope, chair and etc.

There is new clothes like a scout. You can feel new adventure with this mod.

To Install this mod there's 3 way, 1 using minecraft forge 2 without minecraft forge and 3 is with installer.
1. For minecraft forge you need to install Minecraft forge first MINECRAFT FORGE after installing minecraft forge, you need to install this mod to minecraft forge. To install minecraft mod with minecraft forge go to here
2. For installing without minecraft forge, Open "Run" Application and search "%APPDATA%, After that open minecraft folder and then open the folder "bin" and open minecraft.jar you need program called winrar (backup minecraft.jar before installing mod) .
Drag and drop the minecraft files mod into minecraft.jar, delete folder called "meta-inf" and then close the folder. Launch minecraft.
3. For installing with installer you only need download the mod installer, and run the installer. After installation is complete launch minecraft game.



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